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1. Use our Lost Trees of Ottawa map to plot trees. Share the map and this website with your neighbours, friends and community groups in person, by email and on social media.
2. If you agree with our recommendations to Amend the Bylaw, please call or write city politicians to say so. The more they hear the voices of citizens like you, the more likely they are to agree that significant change is crucial. Eventually, changes to the bylaw will come to City Council for a vote--probably in the next term of council. Meanwhile, candidates need to hear from people before the Oct. 22 municipal election.
3. Ottawa is blessed with many active neighbourhood and virtual communities. Join any of the following list serves to contribute to the debate on how to protect and enhance Ottawa's urban forest, and address other environmental and human health challenges we face as a municipality. 
  • Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability (CAFES): an Ottawa-wide discussion and action forum. Sign up email: info[at]lowertown-basseville[dot]ca


  • The Greenspace Alliance of Canada's Capital: a regional forum. Sign up.


  • Ecology Ottawa: working to make our city the green capital of Canada. Subscribe.


  • BIG TREES of Kitchissippi: specific to Ottawa's Kitchissippi ward. Subscribe.



Contact us if you want to add a list serve or newsletter option to this list.


Other Links: 

  • Photographer Frank Johnson has created a haunting tribute to the tenacity of trees in Ottawa, despite concrete attempts to eradicate them. 


  • Denise Deby writes the blog GreenLivingOttawa, which is both political and poignant.


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